Sunday, November 4, 2012


 This was a year of turmoil in Kashmir.The whole Jammu and kashmir was in the gripe of an armed uprise.A group of Mujahedeen had crossed the border between Azad Kashmir and jammu and kashmir.This was a move to liberate this part of the Kashmir through a proxy war.This was a war initiated by Pakistan , perhaps in the time of MAIN ZULFIKAR ALI BHATOO as foreign Minister.It is said it was the brain child idea of Bhatoo sahib,who has assured the then Dictator of Pakistan that India shall respect the international law and can not attack international border between the two countires.Thus the war was initiated as an indigenous uprising of Kashmiris on either side of the

he war is not my topic of discussion but it brought many of the noble families of the Bandipure in trou ble.Every area and scool came to sologans saying who are mujahedeen ,the mob shall ask we are ,we are.I remember we at NM HIGHER SECOUNDARY SCHOOL BANDIPURE,too took up a procession. I and few of my friends were either timid or too noble to induldge in such agitations and used to bung school to avoid trouble.The movement was supported by those in Bandipure who have always benefited from Indian Intelligence agencies.I remember a fellow named Atrat nazki who was arrested by the police as the ring leader.

This disturbance effected our education and we all the students failed to secure and were very upset.Those days the results were announced on radio and my roll no was 1207. I KNEW WE have not written the exams well,what pained me was the fear of other of my competators who had access to good teachers and had the advantage of money and good advise.I was too sad and knew the results and prayed for solace of God ,I remember the place just on the bank of Zangir Canal in KOEL,tears dropped from my eyes suddenly dreadening the new of the failure.All of a sudden heard a voice saying all have not faired well and that I have scored better marks and passed three subjects out of four and those whom i feared shall superceed me have all failed.I suppose the voice helped me from despair ,was the voice of God.

    This was the first encounter with the miracle of GOD. WAR OF DEVASTATION The war broke out.The Indian Army having failed in containing upsurge in Kashmir and the Mujaheeden close to break the sopply line of Samba complelled Indian forces to cross internation border and attack Lahore.

This was said to be a brazen attack and chang the fate of Kashmir.The result was Taskent settlement under Russian pressure.The Bahtoo a socialist near to Russian than to the Americans saw through the game and debacle the Ayab Khan Government and both the twin leaders ,Mr AYUB WAS dethrouwned and the Priminister of India Shastri ji died od heart attack while in Taskent.Many stories are agast some say the death was a murder and Bhutoo too resigned and finally devastation of Pakistan came in 1971 ,the separation of Bengaladesh.T
    his is said to be the revenge of India against Pakistan 1965.The wars proxy and real go on every day now and then and God know when this revenge shall end.I wish a Gods miracle alone can save the two nations to be one and close friends.I feel ,it is now very essential to save the nuclear blast in Asia .May God bring this nation close.

Second Miracle

 It was in 1968 ,I went to college Principal mr Safuddin in SP college Srinagar.He refused to govr mr admission in TDS inpsite of good and excellent marks.He openly told me,he can give admission to a villager as I had passed my exams from Sopure degree college.This for the first made me sad as my brother was supporting my education from his meagre salary.He was posted in the Chest disease Hospital.Now going to hostel in Sopur would make us additional burden to have another establishment.I felt very sad and rememberd God very sincerely.Any how due to the discriminative and cruel attitude of Mr safuddin I was pained and was in utter despair.To my surprise on joining at sopore college when I reached home I saw a telegram awaiting me .I was selected for a professional degree in VETERINARY College of Bikaner,Unoversity of Udiapure.This selection was thought to be Gods gift and getting it without any influence was the miracle of God and this was second time I met GOD.


After joining veterinary school and securing merit and scholarship and ist position was another mireacle of God who has since then been helping me out of the despairs and bad situations.I got admission and fellowship for MVSc.My selection in ARS just after completing Mvsc without extra prepration was the miracle of God.I was reluctant to appear for ARS,it was The insistence of My dear friend DR ABDUL RASHEED who made me forcefully to sit in the exam which I passed with 444 marks out of 600.I suppose they must be the highest in the first batch of ARS.


 I was selected for a German, DAAD fellowship for Ph.D IN Germany..The then Agricultural Minister mr Rao BRINDER SINGH was reluctant to relieve me and refused my leave.I was very much disturbed as one of my collegue was relieved for a similar fellowship,I tired all influence on him but fialed.My ticket from DAAD was in my hand and I was very disturbed anf praing to God.A very noble politician of congress Mr Mohd Safi meets me and promises to help but fialed,Suddenly on hering my plea a retired legislator of Harya come and offers his help and gets me relieved.I even do not know him or remember his name.I thought he was sent by God to help me and disappeared.I tried to locate him but none knew him.

 Last miracles In Germany a beautiful classmate tried to seduce but a miracle saved me like another episode at Delhi in 1999 when I saw God saving me from flitration and sin.I am still awaiting a mircle to visualise God and hope to ask him to forgave my sins and bestow me a place of solace and peace in the heavens.Only a miracle could save me from hell

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